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Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on a near-atomic scale to produce new structures, materials and devices. The technology promises scientific advancement in many sectors such as medicine, consumer products, energy, materials, and manufacturing.

Nuclear Batteries

From the extremely pollutant fossil fuels, to the problematic lithium batteries and the green wind turbines, new forms of energy generation are necessary. To this day, new sources are being developed and improved to be applied in many different fields. Among those, betavoltaic nuclear battery (BNB) is a device that uses the radioactive decay to generate electricity



Radiation dosimetry refers to the measurement, calculation and assessment of the ionising radiation dose absorbed by the human body. Accurate dosimetry in radiotherapy is essential to eradicate a cancer, whilst minimising the risk of severe side effects due to the unavoidable irradiation of healthy tissues and organs. In industrial irradiators for sterilisation of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, the need for accurate dosimetry is governed by two opposing requirements: achieving legal tolerance levels for microbiological contamination, whilst minimising the economic cost. Also is important in the measurement of occupational and environmental radiation evaluation.


Brachytherapy Sources

Brachytherapy is a type of internal radiation therapy in which seeds, ribbons, or capsules that contain a radiation source are placed in your body, in or near the tumor. Brachytherapy is a local treatment and treats only a specific part of your body. It is often used to treat cancers of the head and neck, breast, cervix, prostate, and eye. Producing new sources is very challenging but it might help patients that don't have access to linacs.


Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation is a mathematical technique, which is used to estimate the possible outcomes of an uncertain event, such as radiation. The Monte Carlo Method was invented by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam during World War II to improve decision making under uncertain conditions. It was named after a well-known casino town, called Monaco, since the element of chance is core to the modeling approach, similar to a game of roulette. Is used to see and estimate deposited dose in materials. For example it can etimate electric current in nuclear batteries and deposited dose in radiation therapy.

figure 5b.tif

Heath Care Evaluation Techniques

According to the World Health Organization, Health Technology is the “application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve the quality of life”. The term “Health Technology” encompasses, therefore, a set of devices with the objective of promoting health, preventing and treating diseases and rehabilitating people.

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